Thursday 2 July 2015

Meet the Ducklings

June 15th 2015

Meet the Ducklings

I have had two very interesting visits this week to see Sally's newly hatched little ducklings.  Grannymac told me that three weeks ago, Sally put one goose and five duck eggs in an incubator.  This is to keep them warm as they are not in a nest with their mother.  She put a cross with a pencil on each egg to check if they were turning as they should. 

On Monday Grannymac had a phone call from Sally to say that the eggs were beginning to hatch.  Next day we went to see what was happening.  I was very excited as I had no idea what to expect.  Well, first of all we looked at what was happening in the incubator.  One little bright yellow duckling was sitting there looking very damp and bedraggled and WOW! just look at that egg! That's a beak peeking out!

One duckling which had hatched the previous day was now in a box with a light to keep it warm.  Sally had put a Teddy in beside it so that it had something nice and soft to snuggle up to and so that it was not completely alone.

It was very active and bright-eyed and much fluffier than the yellow one.  When it moved around, I was amazed at its big feet.  Grannymac told me it would need webbed feet like that for swimming when it grew up.  I'm glad my feet are not like that!  Imagine me trying to walk!

It was very sweet  -  I was pleased when Sally held it up so that we could have a closer look.  Isn't he/she cute!

When we went back to the incubator, just look at what had happened!  It wasn't only the beak that was out of the egg.  Another bedraggled little duckling was completely out, moving around on its unsteady little legs.  I had a good close look at them this time.  I think they are really amazing!

We had another quick visit next day.  The difference was incredible.  Now four little ducklings were in the box, all dry and fluffy.  The yellow one (which will be a white Aylsebury when it is big) is really lovely.

Sally thinks at least one of the others is a Khaki Campbell - isn't that a strange name! They were able to scamper around but were a bit nervous and huddled together in a corner.  They will be staying in the box for a few more days and then moving into a bigger run.  Then, when they have proper grown-up feathers, they will be able to have water to play in.  I have learned such a lot about ducks.  I hope I can come back and see them again soon  -  I've already become quite fond of them!

(By the way, the goose egg didn't hatch.)

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen ducks hatch! Stobbsie you are a very lucky bear to have these adventures. I'm so glad that Grannymac shares them with us.
